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Portfolio Management


Our Portfolio Management Process

At Optimize Wealth Management, every client is viewed differently and uniquely. We structure your accounts based on your particular needs and objectives. We factor in variables such as your time horizon, risk tolerance, return objectives, tax situation, company stock plans, and legacy positions. When it comes to matching your objectives with an investment portfolio, ‘one size fits all’ has no place at Optimize Wealth Management. Ultimately, we build investment portfolios which make sense based on your specific goals, comfort level, and tax situation.

The Optimize Portfolio Management Process focuses on three key components to create wealth over time for our investors.


Solid Large-Cap Public Companies

In selecting companies for the public equity allocation within any of our Optimize Wealth Management Funds, we emphasize large-cap public companies which are trading at attractive valuation levels. Throughout our screening process, we place a major emphasis towards ongoing liquidity, strong management teams, repeatable results, and high potential returns on investment.

Large-Cap Value Emphasis

Our investment approach emphasizes investing in large cap companies which offer significant growth potential. This selection process results in companies which have very large market capitalizations, have established track records, and have historically provided our clients with very consistent long-term rates of return.

Fixated on The Fundamentals

We take careful consideration when it comes to investment selection. When considering any investment, we will review factors such as a company’s free cash flow, debt-to-equity ratio, price-to-earnings ratio, price-to-sales ratio, and return on equity, just to name a few. Prioritizing fundamentals will depend on the market cycle, allowing us to make timely decisions in both up and down markets.

Focused on Capital Preservation

Preserving and growing our clients wealth is an integral part of our strategy. This is achieved through investment selection with downside protection in mind. Typically, value-oriented companies exhibit better downside protection as they will tend to have stronger balance sheets, lower betas, and more attractive price-to-earnings ratios, among other factors relative to their peers.


Dynamic Asset Allocation

The benefits of diversification are well known today – using an assortment of asset classes and sectors to improve potential returns while minimizing risk. This approach is fundamental to our portfolio management process within each Optimize Wealth Management Fund and each Model Portfolio. We all know that market conditions change and that is why we are so adamant to proactively rebalance throughout these periods.

Dynamic Asset Allocation

We look to proactively rebalance sector and asset allocations with the Optimize Funds and Model Portfolios based on changing market conditions. By having the flexibility to adjust allocations when opportunities present themselves or in an attempt to avoid downside risk, our approach to money management is positioned extremely well for solid long-term growth.

Dynamic Approach to Money Management

Our investment philosophy focuses on a portfolio management strategy that frequently adjusts the mix of asset classes based on market conditions.The goal is to protect capital in periods of volatility, while participating in market upswings. This is achieved through a process of implementing agile investment strategies coupled with constant monitoring and reassessing our short and long-term tactics.

Rebalance and Protect Against Downside During Volatile Markets

Our approach helps investors to preserve capital during periods of market volatility by looking to rebalance our portfolios towards less risky investments when overall market volatility rises above key levels.Rebalancing a portfolio when market volatility levels rise beyond these thresholds provides for considerably more protection against loss of principal than a passive index strategy.


Pension-Style Asset Classes

Designed to provide strategic diversification and higher risk-adjusted returns, pension funds typically invest in a wide range of investments: from real estate and secured debt, to public and private growth companies, private investment funds, infrastructure, and more, as well as traditional public equities and fixed income securities.

Proprietary Investment and PSA Manager Screening Process

We constantly assess attractive niche segments, such as growth and income oriented funds managed by global institutional fund managers, publicly traded private equity firms, tactical market exposure, real estate, and mortgages, opportunistic transactions in the public and private investment markets, and if the opportunity arises, select direct co-investments in operating companies.

Expertise in Creating Value and Driving Returns

We are active investors that oversee our underlying PSA Managers and our other PSA investments to achieve growth and improve returns. Building stronger, better investments for our investors and the securities in which we invest, creates a continuous cycle of adding value.

Strong Stakeholder Support and Engagement

We regularly engage with a range of stakeholders, including individuals, investors, fund managers, and others who are affected by our PSA strategies and can contribute to our success. We are driven to provide our investors with consistently strong returns.

Prudent Liquidity Management and Oversight

While gaining exposure to private investments provides for significant potential, it must be done with a keen eye on liquidity management. For this reason, we constantly assess and maintain the allocation towards private investments within the OPO Funds at very manageable levels and seek exposure to PSA Managers through public securities.

...And it doesn't stop there

Constant portfolio monitoring and regular client reviews ensures that everyone remains on the same page and is progressing towards the same goal. Implementing a client’s portfolio is of course just one of the many steps required in prudent wealth management. Portfolio monitoring on a constant basis must also be done as changing economic and market conditions will inevitably require ongoing portfolio rebalances. Furthermore, meeting on a regular basis with our clients to review their portfolio’s performance helps to ensure that everyone is clear with respect to the short and long term investment goals.


Ongoing Performance Review Meetings

These meetings provide us with the opportunity to discuss market conditions, your portfolio’s performance, and any needed portfolio changes. These Portfolio and Performance Review meetings do benefit you a great deal in that we can bring you up to speed on how the markets and your portfolio have been performing. As well, they are important opportunities to ensure your portfolio is working for you.


Constant Monitoring Across All Accounts

This is a critical component to properly managing investment portfolios as it ensures that not one account gets ‘lost in between the cracks’ or goes unnoticed. Monitoring your portfolio constantly and rebalancing when necessary ensures that your portfolio will provide you with attractive long term rates of return and ultimately provide you with the consistent value that you deserve.


Personalized and Prudent Portfolios

The cornerstone of our portfolio management process is to align our clients’ specific goals and objectives with investment strategies which will deliver their required rate of return within a very prudent manner. This process begins and ends with listening to our clients about what is most important to them. We assess both the qualitative and the quantitative aspects of any individual’s situation prior to structuring their portfolio which helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.


Our Constant Commitment to You

Once your portfolio has been set up, we ask that you commit to meeting with your Optimize Wealth Management Advisor on a regular basis to enable us to update you on your portfolio’s performance and the overall economic conditions. By meeting on a regular basis to discuss your portfolio, it helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page as it relates to your particular investment goals and objectives. These meetings are a great way to regularly evaluate your goals and ensure you are on the right track.

Investment Management Services are only provided by licensed Portfolio Managers and Associate Portfolio Managers

The Result? Implement an investment strategy you can rely upon and get the most out of your money.